An Information Technology (IT) general manager is responsible for the overseeing and management of an organization’s IT projects. He or she will be responsible for coordinating project stages from creation to installation. Moreover, these managers need to act as liaison between consultants, vendors, and clients. Hence, your resume format needs to demonstrate that you know the ins and outs of the IT sector. Other core responsibilities include developing budgets, outlines, schedulers, and requirements for IT projects, assisting with upgrading information security, and managing team of analysts, developers, programmers, and consultants. Hence, your resume format should highlight your experience as a manager. Other core duties include developing work-breakdown structures, variance reports, and project tracking, assembling risk-management plans and work-effort documents, creating project documentation, providing risk assessment, reviewing estimates, assessing new opportunities, preparing proposals, and managing multiple vendors. Your resume format needs to reflect your self-motivation if you seek this job position.

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